
It’s the second year of planting a vegetable garden here at 1 Victoria.  Last year, I spent the long Labour Weekend, in the pouring rain, planting out the seedlings that I grew from 4 little containers that we brought from Gaine Street where we were living.  I kept reading about how this weekend was THE time to get the seedlings in the ground and was a bit panicked about being late.

My small amount of seedlings were no match for the many large beds we have, so I wound up buying many from the local nursery.

This year, after briefly mentioning that I’d love to grow everything from seed, Rod whipped up this greenhouse over one weekend.  It’s allowed me to grow everything – sun flowers, boarder flowers, many types of tomatoes, chili peppers, beans, capsicum, basil, cilantro, beets (beetroot), rocket (arugula), cucumbers, zuccinni, squash, radish and pumpkin all from seed. We have over 20 zucchini plants alone…I’d better learn how to can and preserve things.

The weather this year was amazing for the three day weekend, and I spent Saturday choosing where to put everything and “getting my veg in.”

Next year – we go fully organic!