I started a new ritual when I moved into the House….when I fit a run into the day, I grab a shell from the beach in the middle of it and put it into a jar. I had no idea what I’d actually do with the shells once they filled the jar, rather I just […]
Category: This week on the Walkway
Kiwi Christmas Trees
These beautiful Pohutukawa trees took my breathe away on the walkway during my run yesterday (or they were my excuse to stop and rest a bit.) They are in their full glory during Christmas time here and we are lucky to have them lining a good part of the walkway. I am learning new ways […]
Welcome parade…
We have just enjoyed a long, relaxing vacation ‘back home’ in the U.S. and are rejuvenated and ready for our busy season to start. We started the trip in Oregon to visit with my gorgeous cousin and her wonderful, handsome husband who rolled out the red carpet for us in their amazing town of Ashland, […]
This horse was galloping down the beach during my morning run last week. So beautiful – sharing the love of the sea, and peace of a run. We live in a gorgeous place. […]
La Plage
“The summer transforms Paris. The cityscape dons greenery and the riverside thoroughfares become car-free resorts. The Paris Plages (Paris Beaches) operation kicks off on or around 20 July and lasts four weeks. A Seine-side holiday. That, in a nutshell, is what Paris Plages is all about – complete with sandy beaches, deckchairs, ubiquitous ice cream sellers, and […]
Ellie funt
These gorgeous creatures started off the Powerco Taranaki Garden Festival on the walkway this past week. The region is really busy with people coming in to see the 70+ gardens on display. It’s a great time to be in Taranaki! […]
Man O' War
After weeks of rain, grey skies and intense winds, this morning’s sunshine is the perfect way to start a weekend. I stole away after breakfast service for a run, and could not have been more happy. The pace was quick, and the view surreal. I have started running on the beach on the back leg […]
This was the scene during my run yesterday morning. A wet spring day, mid-morning during the work week and here I was running, and this guy was just about to head into the surf. When the waves are good the parking lots on the walkway are full from the surfers taking a break from their […]
The world is small.
One of the greatest things about New Plymouth is that it is a small town at heart. Once people know you, they open up their homes and lives to you. Being an immigrant, you share a very special bond with those like you – and friendships forms quite quickly. I’ve been so very blessed to […]
Week on the walkway…
Day Eighteen is a rest day for the blog challenge. My week ended on Friday morning with a walk on the walkway with our “North American Women’s Walking Club.” On the Walkway, this early morning walk provides a perfect outlet for fellow immigrants to this lovely city to connect, winge/whine a bit about all […]