Well the challenge is on again. I’ll blog every day in March and invite anyone who blogs or wants to start to join in. Details are here: http://sonyacole.com/category/blog-challenge-31-days-2015/ I loved the experience last time and look forward to each and every entry. Hope you enjoy! […]
Category: Thirsty Day Challenge
Day Thirty – Reflection…
So, the last day of the thirty day challenge and I’m over two weeks late in posting it. Today’s post is a reflection on the experience of writing/blogging for thirty days straight. A few thoughts – calming, grounding, enriching, powerful. Bottom line I LOVED it. Writing allows me to tap into a bit of peace […]
Day Twenty Eight
Today’s topic is stress and how we deal with it… There is stress when you have people coming, rooms that need attending, breakfast to be made but most of all – guests to welcome. And I mean truly welcome! You can’t really listen and interact with people if you are thinking of a million things. […]
Day Twenty Seven
Today is a day of rest….good thing – this flu/cold won’t go away…I’ve finally waved the white flag, called in sick to work from home and very glad the house is quiet (just for today though – let’s fill it up tomorrow!) […]
Today’s challenge is to identify one thing we would change about ourselves if we could… Tough one. There has been a lot of change for us lately. New country, new town, new house, new business, new jobs…. There are many things about this process of creating Hosking House, that I look back on with the […]
Greatest Influence…
Struggling with a bit of the flu or a cold…so sorry for the sporadic blog posts. Day Twenty Four’s challenge is to tell of our greatest influence. Hands down, ours is Hotel Terra Vina, in the New Forest. Described as: Luxury Boutique Hotel, the New Forest Hotel of Style and Chic, Hampshire The picture above […]
Daily perfection
Day Twenty Three – Describe your perfect day. Wake to a hot, dark cup of coffee Time to read the newspaper cover to cover, each section Long trail run, get a bit muddy Help with guest breakfast, nice chat with guests Day to ourselves, a game of golf, or day in the garden Burger for […]
Day Twenty Two – Share A Picture Of Last Thing You Bought Hosking House will have a new resident next Friday. She needs some supplies and I’ve been waiting to welcome her for years. Another rambunctious blonde in the house! It will be a fun weekend! […]
Actually or potentially…
Day Twenty One. Today’s challenge is to reveal our Achilles hell. I love this definition: An Achilles’ heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall. This was a tough one. Not because we/this business does not have weaknesses, but what is our deadly one? I’ve […]
Day Twenty – Three Passions is the challenge today. (And no, it’s not all wine focused – just loved this plate.) We have a healthy does of Passion here at Hosking House. The passion for this dream has kept us going these past few months. 1. One Victoria Road Our first passion is for this […]