We’ve recently had a diagnosis of elbow dysplasia for our sweet Weston. Go ahead, google the term, the first description is horrible, “Elbow dysplasia is a common cause of front-leg lameness in large-breed dogs.” OK, don’t google it. “[youtube=http://youtu.be/_yM-BI6jUiw] Weston has had a weird gate and a bit of a limp at times for […]
Month: June 2014
Hearts wide open
[youtube=http://youtu.be/hQlVmvXAGLI] These lyrics perfectly describe the emotions of being an immigrant here in New Zealand. Tonight I am feeling for you, under the state of a strange land… The adventure of living in a new country, and one I love as much as New Zealand, is equally balanced by the sheer overwhelming feeling of […]
Best foot forward
Late last week, we entered ourselves into the Westpac Taranaki Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence awards. It was a difficult decision as we questioned our place in the local business community and had many fears about it… we are so new (the new business category met that fear head on) we both led other (and […]
Got it in!
We are quickly approaching the shortest day of the year. In the New Zealand gardening world (or maybe this is the way it is everywhere, it’s just that I’ve never gardened so much) this day is the benchmark for when you need to get your garlic in the ground. You plant it on the shortest […]
Everything is bigger…
One of the greatest things about living in New Zealand and a repeated comment that we hear from our guests, is just how fresh and flavorful the food is. We get eggs that are hours old, herbs and vegetables still warm from the sun, and due to our many fruit trees are able to […]